
When you owe taxes and fail to pay, the IRS can place a tax lien on your assets. This legal claim against your property serves as a security for the tax debt you owe. Understanding how IRS tax liens work is crucial to protect your assets and navigate the complexities of tax debt effectively.

What is an IRS Tax Lien?

An IRS tax lien is the government’s legal claim against your assets when you neglect or fail to pay a tax debt on time. This lien attaches to all of your assets (such as property, securities, vehicles) and to future assets acquired during the duration of the lien.

Negotiating tax debt resolution - Wasilidas & Kulik CPA PC

How Does a Tax Lien Work?

The Process:

Impact on Your Assets:

Credit Impact:

Implications for Personal and Business Assets

Personal Assets:

Business Assets:

Credit and Loans:

Strategies for Resolving a Tax Lien

Paying Your Tax Debt:

Installment Agreement:


Discharge of Property:


Offer in Compromise:

Preventing a Tax Lien


An IRS tax lien can be intimidating, but with the right knowledge and strategies, you can protect your assets and possibly remove or avoid a lien. Always consider professional tax advice to navigate these situations effectively.