March 20, 2020

Dear clients and friends:

At this time, our services remain running at normal business hours through this crisis. We are all getting prepared to work remotely from home if required. That has not happened here yet, however, with the portal system and other tools we have installed, I would expect a smooth transition. I anticipte that the only downside to a remote operation would be that the electronic Portal copy of your tax return would be your only copy (for now).

Our telephone numbers would remain the same, but may have to change the fax number if this happens.  A new fax number will be posted on our website if needed.

Meantime, we are fully staffed at our Leominster office until further notice however, I am moving all client meetings to either:

  1. a Telephone Interview
  2. a Skype or Facetime Video (so you can watch me type!)
  3. or Mail In

We MUST limit face to face meetings until the new drugs become more widely available, and this thing is defeated.

For any telephone or video conferencing, please make sure you send in all your information using our secure portal, or encrypted email.

We are also following CDC and federal/state guidelines to keep safe distances under “social distancing” rules and maintaining a clean environment us much as possible.


The IRS Treasury Secretary under the direction of the President has extended individual FILING DUE DATES to 7/15/20 rather than 04/15/20.  At first it was only tax payments could be as late as 7/15/20, but now the filing itself can be 90 days later as well.

Please call the office if you have any questions!


Henry C. Kulik, Jr CPA LLC